Indiana School Choice Voucher Program

Indiana School Choice Voucher Program

Your student could be eligible for a voucher or SGO award if:

  • Sibling: Your current Huntington Catholic student has a sibling who received either a voucher or an SGO award last year, AND your family meets the income qualification guidelines
  • Received voucher: Last year, your student received a voucher AND your family continues to meet the income guidelines.
  • Individual Education Plan (IEP): Your Huntington Catholic student is a special needs student who currently has an IEP (Individual Education Plan), AND your family meets the income guidelines.
  • Two semesters in public school: Your incoming Huntington Catholic student has spent the previous two semesters in an Indiana public school, AND your family meets the income guidelines.
  • Income eligible: You are a current Huntington Catholic family who meets the income guidelines; we can now qualify one child attending any private school for a SGO scholarship award of $500. Then in next school year, ALL children in the family can qualify for a School Choice Voucher IF the family meets the income guidelines.To apply for the SGO, a family must complete the FACTS Grant and Aid Application with Huntington Catholic.

Voucher-SGO Income Caps - Application Procedures

For more information, visit the Indiana Department of Education's Choice Scholarship website here. Or contact HCS Principal Mr. Derek Boone at (260) 356-1926

SGO Scholarship Fund Donations


Tax Credit

If your family does not qualify for the School Choice Voucher Program or an SGO Scholarship award, please consider supporting the program. Individuals and corporations can donate to the SGO of Northeast Indiana and receive tax credit of 50% or more.


Donors should consult their tax advisors to determine tax consequences based upon their particular situation. The SGO of Northeast Indiana is administered by the Catholic Schools Office of the Diocese of Fort Wayne/South Bend. Huntington Catholic School will need to solicit funds for the SGO in order to continue to assist our families in need. A one year award of at least $500 to a Huntington Catholic student could then qualify them to continue their remaining years in our school on a full Indiana School Choice Voucher. Please see the link below for the SGO website if you're interested in making donations to Huntington Catholic School's fund.

SGONEI Website:

SGONEI Donation Form

For more information regarding donations to the SGO fund, please contact Mr. Derek Boone, Principal at Huntington Catholic School (260) 356-1926.

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