Huntington Catholic School Clubs and Organizations
Chess Club - Huntington Catholic School's Chess Club is for students is grades 5-8 only. These students must already know how to play chess.
During Chess Club, students learn the basics of Chess and then advance their skills through fun filled Chess battles with their peers.
Chess Club will not meet every Thursday as in the past. All meetings will be listed in the google calendar and will be included in the monthly calendar sent home to all families. All meetings will be in the STEM lab.
Student Council
Mrs. Ball is looking for Legos for Robotics and the STEM Lab.!
With Santa possibly bringing new Legos for Christmas, you may find your old Legos to be "disposable."
Rather than taking the chance of stepping on them with your bare feet in the middle of the night, please consider donating them to the Huntington Catholic STEM Lab.
We can give them a really good home and make good use of them.
Please send them our way!!
Friday Robotics Ended their Sharp Creek Robotics League. All our teams were amazing. Our Middle School team finished 5th in skills. Our 5th grade Elementary team B qualified and competed in the finals. Our 5th grade Elementary A team won the Judges Award for continuing to overcome obstacles. We are so proud of all of our teams!
The Robotics Competition at Sharp Creek Elementary School finally came to a close last Friday. The last few skills including engineering notebook judging and FINALS were completed. The HCS Saintly Robotics Team A made it into finals and placed 6th! They showed great teamwork and perseverance. In the qualification round, Rambler Tech placed 24th and Saintly Robotics B placed 30th. We are so proud of our teams for all the hard work they put into their robots and how well they represented our school during the competition.
Robotics Team - Stem (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Lab: This specific room is used for science labs and engineering projects during and after school. The stem lab includes items such as balances, microscopes, robotics equipment, and various materials for engineering challenges. The Huntington Catholic Robotics Team is part of the Vex IQ program and builds with Vex pieces.
The team meets every Tuesday after school until 3:45.
Students in grades 5 through 8 interested in joining the Robotics Team need to get a form from Mrs. Ball. The form would need to be completed and signed by their parents and grade requirements would need to be met.
Art Club
Medieval art drawn by students in PreK4-8th grade!
Art is a true delight, especially for our students at Huntington Catholic School! Here are some Examples of HCS Student's artwork on display on the school bulletin boards.
Huntington Catholic School Student Choir
If you have any questions about HCS Student Choir, please do not hesitate to contact:
Sue Meadows, Director of Music at SS. Peter and Paul
Phone: 260-224-0877
The HCS Student Choir is open to all students in Grades 3 through 8. The choir sings at daily Masses on most Mondays and Fridays (when school is in session), except for the 1st Friday of each month when the individual classes lead the All-School Liturgies. In addition, the Choir sings at special weekday Masses on Holy Days or other special times, and also at the SSPP Christmas Eve Children's Mass at 4:00 PM (those who are available to sing).
Practices are on Mondays after school, from 2:45-3:30 (weeks when school is in session).
Students must be able to attend at least 1 practice per month to be a Student Choir Member.
Practices are held in SSPP Church. Occasionally, there may be an extra practice on another day, especially when preparing for Christmas Eve or other special occasion or change in school schedule.
3rd to 5th Grade Altar Servers
6th to 8th Grade Altar Servers