Welcome! We are excited to introduce a new way to receive family envelope information! This year we will be utilizing our HCS web site to communicate and inform our families! Please review all items, which will be updated every Thursday, our normal family envelope receipt day. If you ever need a hard copy of a flyer, form, etc., do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Kenny at wkenny@huntingtoncatholic.org, Mrs. Myers at jmyers@huntingtoncatholic.org or Mrs. Eckert at jeckert@huntingtoncatholic.org.
Thank you for your support & patience as we transition to this new medium which should allow for a more streamlined process to convey information to our families!
Booster Club Spring Sale
Box Tops
23-24 All Year Honor Roll
Bishop Luers
24-25 3rd Quarter Honor Roll
Booster Club Soap
23-24 Choice Income Guidelines
PK Registration
24-25 Immunization Letter to Parents
24-25 School Supply Lists
PK 3 Supply List
PK 4 Supply List
Immunization Requirements
HCCSC Yellow Bus Changes and Availability
HCS Calendar 2024-2025
Crosswinds Consent
Lunch Procedures
Facility & Staff